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For providers

This section of our website is for providers only.

Looking for a provider?

If you’re a GU Health member looking for a provider near you, please use our find a provider tool.

The GU Health Medical Gap network aims to reduce or eliminate the out of pocket costs GU Health members pay in-patient medical and surgical fees (for example, for surgeons or anaesthetists). You can register for the GU Health Medical Gap network.

A woman paying at a reception desk using a mobile phone
A smiling doctor using a smart phone in a hospital

If you’re an ancillary provider and you have a Medicare or HICAPS provider number, you don’t need to register here. If you don’t have a Medicare provider number and you would like to learn more about becoming a recognised provider, please contact the Provider Relations team on 1300 853 530, opens in a new tab.

A smiling nurse

Offer your GU Health patients recovery or treatment from the comfort of their home.

GU Health Care @ Home, opens in a new tab

A male doctor speaks to a patient while showing his iPad screen

Registration and updating your Medical Gap network details

Medical Gap network

If you’re an eligible provider, register today to be part of the network and eliminate out of pocket costs for your patients.