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The essential health check ups you can get at lunchtime

Use your lunch hour productively, and tick off some easy health checks

Dark haired guy in clinic setting with female doctor taking notes

Regular check ups are a smart way to invest in your health and wellbeing. Taking up very little time, you can even bowl them over in your lunch hour.

Evidence shows us that early detection of conditions such as heart disease, opens in a new tab and cancer can reduce the risks of serious illness, opens in a new tab. Taking 60 minutes – or less – to tick off a regular health check up might be the best thing you do today for your future health.

Which one will you tick off this week?

Heart health check  

Every Australian over the age of 45 (over the age of 30 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples) is eligible for an annual heart health check under Medicare. The 20-minute test involves having your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels checked, and answering a series of questions covering everything from family history and lifestyle factors. If your doctor thinks you warrant further tests, they will tell you on the day and write a referral. They may also give you some information about how to reduce your risk of heart disease in the future.  

Cost: Free 

Discomfort factor: Zero to low 


Woman over the age of 40 are eligible for a breast screening every two years. With more than 750 locations across the country – including in clinics, hospitals, and special buses – you should be able to find a location nearby, opens in a new tab. During the test a female technician will take you into a private x-ray room and ask you to undress from the waist up (so best to wear a top and skirt or trousers to work that day). Each breast is placed one at a time between two plates and x-rayed for about 10 seconds. Each breast is screened twice from different angles. Including filling out some necessary paperwork, the whole process will take no more than 20 minutes. 

Cost: Free 

Discomfort factor: Low to medium (if you experience any pain tell the technician immediately)  

Skin check 

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in Australia, opens in a new tab with more than 15,000 cases diagnosed each year. It’s important to check your skin regularly, watching out for any changes, especially the colour, shape, or size of moles. Additionally, you can see a healthcare professional. There are skin clinics across Australia which are low cost or bulk billed through Medicare. Your company may also offer skin checks for free. During your appointment, which should take no longer than 20 minutes, you will be asked to remove all clothing apart from underwear. You will need to request a male or female technician when you book your appointment if you have a preference. The technician will use a special light and magnifier to scan your skin. They will also check the soles of your feet, your palms, and scalp. You will be asked about family history and other risk factors. If the doctor thinks you need further tests, they will tell you on the day and let you know next steps.    

Cost: Ask your clinic when you book an appointment what the cost is and if they bulk bill 

Discomfort level: Zero to low 

Dental check 

With check-ups recommended every six months, finding a dentist close to work will make life easier. Appointments generally take no more than 20 minutes, but you won’t be able to eat or drink for at least 15 minutes after you’re done, so if you’re going during lunchtime, eat before. Just don’t forget to brush your teeth – no dentist needs to know the ingredients of your salad! During a routine dental check your dentist will ask how your teeth are feeling and if there are any problems. They will then use a magnifier mirror to check your teeth and use some other gadgets to clean them.  

Cost: Variable, ask about costs when you book. You may be able to claim a portion of the cost through your private health cover or use a health insurer dental clinic and have no gap. 

Discomfort level: Mild to medium. If you have any anxiety related to the appointment, tell the clinic beforehand who can recommend some techniques that may help.  

Other health check ups to tick off in your lunch hour 

Ask your GP about how best to access the right tests for your needs.   

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